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news archive

those little scrolling things on the homepage, newest to oldest

date format: day/month/year

17. 14/4/22: CHECK THE NEW ART!


15. 5/2/22: NEW USERNAME!

14. 3/2/22: lol it's february now, added pages to art page

13. 5/1/22: happy new year to whoever is on this website lol

12. 6/11/21: well, idk new art, see that, nothing else new

11. 19/9/21: out here with the brand new variety and cool sites page and a bunch more new stuff including the time on the homepage 😎 and also my birthday

10. 3/8/21: new main youtube channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdC71DXv-uwRd4sI2PP1mSQ

9. 21/7/21: big new update... finally done... check it out :)

8. 1/6/21: a Real overhaul of the homepage! accounts on the top, two columns on the bottom. this took So long to do

7. 7/4/21: nevermind, overhauled home page

6. 6/4/21: WEBSITE DONE!!!!!

5. 5/4/21: website nearly done lol (no one will see this on home but me)

4. 3/3/21: stream porter robinson musician

3. 3/3/21: how long can i make this text be sdkljfkldjfajbnbbfbffrbrbrrbbrnmbrrewrkefjrtlorrtjwekrpolekropwijropeiwrkeop;rwhjew4738943 4u4y3i

2. 3/3/21: news: i still don't know what to put here

1. 14/2/21: hello this is a thing now